WD Tools & Resources Workbook

Task 1 – Organise your FABs Let’s have a play with Trello. It’s free to sign up so go to  https://trello.com and create a free account. I would like you to create a Board and populate it with some Lists and Cards. You can organise them however you like but let’s use your FABs as… Continue reading WD Tools & Resources Workbook

WD Mindset Workbook

WD Communication Workbook

Activity one We are going to create a Contact Us page. It will include email and dialable phone links and we are going to install WPforms to generate a contact form. Let’s run through installing the plugin and then you can go off and create your page. What we want to see: The time for… Continue reading WD Communication Workbook

WD Google Tools Workbook

Scenario So, “Stir Well” loves all our ideas so far! They want to do some customer surveys to find out what people think of the mixer, how they use it, what they make and what new functions they would like in new models. Can you create a survey that we can embed in the site… Continue reading WD Google Tools Workbook

WD Marketplaces Workbook

Scenario One of our service-based clients wants to add extra value to their website. I thought it might be good to set up a couple of affiliate schemes for them. We write all those blogs so we can reuse a lot of the content we already have. Can you do some research for me? They… Continue reading WD Marketplaces Workbook

WD Design Workbook

Scenario 1 Those domain names you gave me were great, they have given us the green light for the initial version of the “Stir Well” site. They aren’t going to do any e-commerce yet, just information and recipes and stuff. We need to go back to them with a rough plan of what we are… Continue reading WD Design Workbook

WD Domains Workbook

Scenario 1 Our new client wants to create a website for their latest kitchen appliance the “Stir Well”. It’s going to be an all-singing, all-dancing food mixer that they are promoting to the Great British Bake-off generation. We will be creating landing pages for ad campaigns and sub-sections for technical and recipe sections. They haven’t… Continue reading WD Domains Workbook

WD SEO Workbook

Scenario That website for the “Digital Marketing Masterclass” you finished last week looks great! We need to start and look at the SEO now, got to get them on page one! We have a meeting with them next week to plan out our strategy. It’s going to be a full site plan so can you… Continue reading WD SEO Workbook

WD SEO Performance Workbook