WD Elementor Workbook

Activity One Go to the Plugins tab. We are going to Add Plugin and we want to search Elementor. Install and Activate the plugin. Let’s create a basic content page. We want to add some images, build in some text boxes and play with the overall look of the pages. There is a text file… Continue reading WD Elementor Workbook

WD WordPress Quiz

WD Block Editor Workbook

Activity One I would like you to add the following blocks to your page and format them to look like the example below. Text block – you can use the text below to copy and paste in. Set the size to 20/normal and the colour to dark green. A table – with two columns and… Continue reading WD Block Editor Workbook


WD HTML Workbook

Activity 1 I would like you to install one of the HTML Editors and pick a validation tool. Notepad++      https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/ Sublime Text   https://www.sublimetext.com/3 You can just use the standard editor like Notepad W3.org            http://validator.w3.org/ W3Schools      https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_link_mailto Take screenshots of what you have done and email them to dms4alltrainers@gmail.com

WD JavaScript Quiz

WD Mini Project Workbook

Activities We are going to have one large project today, instead of multiple small ones. Today I want you to create several pages on your site. They need to work together and be connected. They need to include various text and image elements plus some more complex functionality. We want you to demonstrate the skills… Continue reading WD Mini Project Workbook

WD CSS Workbook

Task 1 – Explore some properties For your first activity, I would like you to explore some of the properties available in CSS. This site https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/css-properties-complete-reference/ has a brilliant reference and lets you experiment with changing the code. I would like you to try at least 10 different ones, more if you want to explore… Continue reading WD CSS Workbook


WD Graduation Workbook

Final Assignment For your final activity, I would like you to create a website proposal. I would like you to create a full proposal for the brief below. Think about the skills you have learned in the last eight weeks. What platform would you use, what resources would you add, and what functionality would you… Continue reading WD Graduation Workbook