Welcome to your final Web Dev session.
Please complete the assessment below and either the job seeker questionnaire (job interview) or self-employment declaration (self-employed).
Completion Assessment
Please self-score your skills after your 8-week course
Below are a couple of activities from Google Garage, that may help you land your next job or promote yourself and your skills. You can choose which one you want to do, or do both if you have time.
Land your next job
With the right tools and skills, anyone can achieve their dream job. Learn how to create a great CV and cover letter, develop your online presence, nail the interview, and stay on track to landing your next job.
Build confidence with self-promotion
Learning to speak openly about your achievements will help others understand your strengths and skills. In these course videos, we’ll discuss self-promotion and why it can be so difficult and also share practical tips on boosting your confidence and self-worth to enable you to progress further in your career.
Self Employed Declaration
If you are self-employed or would like to become self-employed please download and complete this declaration and email to
Job Seekers
If you are looking for an interview after the boot camp please complete this form and tell us about your job requirements
Final Activity
Your final activity is going to be the equivalent of a final exam. We are looking to test your knowledge and for you to show us the skills you have learnt over the last eight weeks.
I would like you to create a website proposal. I would like you to create a full proposal for the brief below. Think about the skills you have learned in the last eight weeks. What content would you use, what resources would you add, and what functionality would you include?
Scenario: You are hired as a web designer for a new health and well-being business. Before you start, they would like you to provide them with a proposal to tell them more about your plans for their business.
Your proposal needs to include:
- A detailed plan of your website.
- Content ideas, including visitor journey, any forms, analytics etc.
- How you would expect to sell their products including marketplaces or affiliates.
- What software/platforms you would use to create your content?
What we want to see:
We want you to demonstrate a good understanding of the tools and techniques you have learned about during the Skills Bootcamp. How they can be applied to successfully promote a new business. You can support your ideas with screenshots or links to similar businesses.
There is no worksheet, just email your notes and evidence to us as you have done before.